Thermal insulation sheets for heated floors
Foamed polystyrene sheets TENAPORS TERMO are an eco-friendly, inexpensive and efficient insulation material for quick laying of water-heated floors. The sheets are made of a porous material with closed pores and flame retardant additives (substances that suppress combustion). They are resistant to weak acidic, alkaline and saline solutions but non-resistant to aromatic and halogen containing solvents, esters, ketones, oils or lubricants (e.g. toluene, solvent, ethyl acetate, etilacetāts, acetone, etc.). One side of the sheets has cylindrical grooves for easy and fast arrangement and fastening of heating pipes. The sheets are intended for heating pipes in ∅ 16–18 mm. These sheets may be continuously used as a thermal insulation material at ambient temperatures of up to + 80°C.
Arrangement of water-heated floors using TENAPORS TERMO sheets:
- Preparing the base of the floor surface (clean the base from any dirt) the floor base must be smooth and even
- Laying of an additional layer of thermal insulation (determined during the design process) TENAPORS EPS shall be used as an additional layer of thermal insulation
- Arranging TENAPORS TERMO sheets:
- Insert a distortion tape along the entire perimeter of the room
- Correctly arrange heating pipes (determined during the design process)
- Cast fibro concrete on top of the arranged piping
- The thickness of the concrete layer above the heating pipes shall be 35–40 mm
- Arrange the main floor
- The main floor may be laid only after the concrete has hardened completely (approximately after a month)
Solutions has not been assigned.
Technical data
Characteristics Nominal value Fire reaction class E class Sizes 1200×600 mm Thermal conductivity coefficient ≤0,034 W/m*K Compression tensions ≥40,9 kPa Tensile strength ≥150 kPa Long-term water absorption ≤5% Insulation thickness 30 mm