Permanent formwork system Dobeles panelis ® offers a partition solution – element ST, which provides a fast pace of construction, heat and sound insulating properties for durable building envelopes. The ST element consists of polystyrene foam parts with built-in U-shaped metal profiles, which ensure the durability of the partition, as well as the possibility to attach finishing materials to them. The channels specially created in the construction are intended for the placement of communications. ST elements – partition formwork are also applicable to various objects, taking into account their variable thickness of 60, 80 and 100 mm and the height of the element up to 12 m.

All Dobeles panelis® permanent formwork elements are made to order according to the requirements, criteria and goals of the building to be built, which the formwork system solves according to the project. The elements of the formwork system come to the required size in the object, making the assembly as simple and fast as possible, well-thought-out for each object, depending on the project, building or foundation configuration and other factors.

    1. Assembly speed – assembly time is reduced practically 2 times compared to the classic plasterboard construction;
    2. Ease of installation – the height of the panels is prepared according to the project specification, as a result of which the installation is very convenient and simple;
    3. Strength – 0.8 mm thick U-profiles embedded in the elements combined with durable insulation guarantee increased durability of the wall structure.
  • Risinājums nav norādīts.
  • RaksturlielumiVērtība
    Ugunsreakcijas klaseE klase
    IzmēriPēc pieprasījuma
    Siltumvadītspējas koeficients≤0,036 W/m*K
    Spiedes spriegums≥27,3 kPa
    Stiepes stiprība≥200 kPa
    Ilglaicīga ūdens absorbcija≤5%
    Izolācijas biezums100 mm, 80 mm